Payment Link
Instantly Request Remote Payments- DiVert.
Send a link. Get paid. Simple.
With DiVert Link, you can accept card payments online without a website.
Links can be sent Via Mail or any other social media messaging platform.
During the transaction interaction with the customer, the merchant obtains the customer’s email address and immediately sends them a request for payment, where an invoice can be attached (if required) via email. A validity period maybe set in the transaction request, this indicates how long the transaction is for. Should the merchant not set a validity period, the default will apply. The default validity is set at midnight on the day which the transaction message is created.
The email contains a personalised message requesting the customer to complete the transaction by clicking on a URL link. This DiVert email is personalised with the customer’s name, exact amount, invoice and unique merchant reference number. Once the customer receives the email, they select the URL, which then opens a secure one-time payment page. The customer enters and submits their credit card details to complete the transaction. Both the merchant as well as the customer will receive emails confirming the result of the transaction.
Key Benefits to Merchants:
- Instantaneous delivery means a quick response time from your customers,
- Attach an invoice to payment request,
- Simplified payment option makes it easy for customers to effect immediate payment,
- Adds a payment response to your collections communication,
- Reduces PCI DSS scope for merchants,
- Ability to Add 3D Secure.
Key Benefits to Cardholders:
- Payments can be made anywhere, anytime – convenience,
- Payment is made over a secure channel, ensuring safety and ease,
- Ability to set Validity Period.
Click Here to download iVeri DiVert Documentation.