subMerchant Portal

iVeri introduces a set of features to kickstart operations for the ISO, PSP, Payment Facilitator, Merchant Aggregator or any other party that manages a group of subMerchants.

The subMerchant Portal allows for the management of subMerchants using iVeri’s range of POS (Card Present) and eCommerce (Card Not Present) Products.

ISO (Independent Sales Organisation)

  • Merchants can be onboarded and associated to the ISO. Onboarding can be done electronically, depending on local regulations and infrastructure.
  • The ISO will be able to support and manage their subMerchants using the Portal.
  • The ISO will be able to see the trading of all subMerchants. This will assist with creating invoices for commissions etc.

PSP (including Payment Facilitator & Merchant Aggregator)

  • Has all the features available to the ISO above
  • Includes billing management & merchant settlement.
    • Settlement periods can be configured for daily, weekly or monthly settlement of merchants
    • Billing reports
    • Invoicing

Get more merchant business by bringing on parties that have subMerchants using the iVeri subMerchant Portal


Onboarding Portal – OnRamp Merchant Portal – Backoffice  iVeri Administrator Portal
Merchant Onboarding  Yes
KYC Documents Yes
Type of Business
Individual Yes
Registered Business Yes
Contact information Yes Yes Yes
Bank Account information Yes Yes
3rd Party vetting Service Yes
Merchant Management 
Overral view of Merchant Profiles Yes Yes
Transaction Reports Yes
Billing Management
Billing/Services Charges Yes Yes
MSC( percentage based) Yes
Settlement fee Yes
Refund fee Yes
Chargeback fee Yes
Invoicing  Management Schedule
Daily Yes
Weekly Yes
Monthly Yes
Settlement Details/Views
Settlement/Payment Cycles Supported
Daily Yes
Weekly Yes
Monthly Yes
Settlement Charge types Supported
By Net Nettlement Yes
By Invoice Yes
by EFT Yes
PSP Based Reports
Ecommerce Solution 
Lite Yes Yes
Divert Yes Yes
Enterprise Yes Yes
Card Present Solutions
mPress Yes Yes
PosPort Yes Yes
Indigo Yes Yes